What makes a good business website homepage

website homepage design

Whether you are a small business owner with a basic website or a large enterprise, your business website still needs to do the same thing…engage and convert visitors. It is your business’s handshake to the world and usually the first interaction anyone will have with your business.

There are many things that your website needs in order to achieve this but we won’t be going in to everything on this post so we wil concentrate on probably your business website’s highest visited page – the homepage.

Your business’s sales pitch to the world!

Your business website’s homepage is your business’s opening sales pitch to the world. It needs to tell a story.

1. Hero Section

This is the section at the top of the homepage and is the first thing anyone will see when visiting your website. You need to highlight exactly what your business does and the value it brings to the visitor. Over 90% of people who visit your site will leave in about 10 seconds if they don’t feel that it is what they are looking for, so you don’t have long to convert the value of your business. Keep it straight forward and to the point. It’s also about them, not you…they don’t want to ready your life story.

2. Social Proof

It’s important to show your visitors that other people have used your business, trust it and recommend it. Social proof gives your business credibility and people will trust it more. Try and get at least a couple of testimonials / reviews from happy clients of yours..it will really help increase conversion and get your more leads from your website.

3. Benefits

Sell the sizzle, not just the sausage. Show visitors how your product/services can help them, not just what products and services you provide. Sell your website visitors on the premise of what will happen and the benefits they will get if they use your products or services.
You can also identify problems they may have and how you can solve them – relate to how these problems affect them.

4. Features

Ok, so now you can talk about your product or services you provide . ie. the solution to their problems and how you will achieve it. In this section you need to describe the primary features of your products and services in more detail.

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5. Call to action

This is the primary goal of the page – what do you want the visitor to do next?
Phone, appointment, sign up, buy, contact, try this product etc

Make it clear and obvious.

6. Footer

This is where you put any additional info, contact details and links and is good for showing the visitor what other services or products you provide. This is also really good for SEO as it tells Google what other pages you have on the website.

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